"Pacman" is a little demo created with UPBGE (an alternative version of Blender adding the ability to create interactive 3D content, also called "real time 3D").
This is a remake of a demo created in 1997 with VRML (your web browser will need a VRML extension to display this old version, unfortunately the animation handled by a Java program is unlikely to function).
It's an animated Pacman with sound.
The demo comes in two flavors, in flavor A the sound is synchronized with the animation, in flavor B it's the other way around.
If you want to try this demo, you first need to download and install the UPBGE software.
Then download the demo file, flavor A or B:
Pacman-A.blend (812.5 KiB, version 2021-03-29)
Pacman-B.blend (816.9 KiB, version 2021-03-29)
You will also need the sound file (save it in the same folder as the blend file):
En-au-yum_mod.ogg (9.1 KiB)
Start UPBGE.
Open the blend file.
Run the demo:
Properties > Render > Game Resolution > Standalone Start
The demo starts in fullscreen mode.
You can examine Pacman from all angles, using the arrow keys. You can also zoom in with [Num +] and zoom out with [Num -].
You can disable / enable the sound with [S] (flavor B: it will cause the animation to pause / resume).
Flavor A: you can pause / resume the animation with [P].
Flavor B: you can speed up / slow down the animation with [Page Up] / [Page Down]. It's actually the pitch of the sound that's modified, the higher the pitch, the shorter the sound and the faster the animation.
Use [Esc] to quit the demo.