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"When given the choice of two evils, pick the one you've never tried before."


"A Clockwork Lemon" is a little demo created with UPBGE (an alternative version of Blender adding the ability to create interactive 3D content, also called "real time 3D").

This is a remake of a demo created in 1997 with VRML (your web browser will need a VRML extension to display this old version, unfortunately the interactivity handled by a Java program is unlikely to function).

It's a wind-up toy, a mechanical Pacman you can wind up using a key. Then it animates!

A Clockwork Lemon (screenshot)

If you want to try this demo, you first need to download and install the UPBGE software.

Then download the demo file (version 2021-03-26):

Clockwork_Lemon.blend (864.7 KiB)

You will also need the sound files (save them in the same folder as "Clockwork_Lemon.blend"):

RewindClick.wav (2.2 KiB)
AnimClick.wav (2.1 KiB)
En-au-yum_mod.ogg (9.1 KiB)

Start UPBGE.

Open the file "Clockwork_Lemon.blend".

Run the demo:

Properties > Render > Game Resolution > Standalone Start

The demo starts in fullscreen mode.

You can wind up the toy with [R]. As long as you keep it pressed, the key turns, Pacman animates as soon as you release the key.

You can examine Pacman from all angles, using the arrow keys. You can also zoom in with [Num +] and zoom out with [Num -].

You can disable/enable the "yum" sound (but not the clicks) with [S].

Use [Esc] to quit the demo.
