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"A new consciousness is developing which recognizes that we are one species. Our loyalties are to the species and the planet."
Carl Sagan

Screenshot of Repeat After Me
Screenshot of Repeat After Me


Repeat After Me is a memory game for Android.

There's also a Linux version (that allows playing with the arrows on the keyboard):

Repeat_After_Me.x86_64.tar.gz (14.7 MiB)

And a Web version, that allows playing directly in the browser, without any installation. I have tested it with Firefox under Linux.

This application is totally free, it contains no ad and collects no data.

It's a free software, licensed under the GNU GPL Version 3. Here is a compressed file containing all the project files:

RAM.tar.gz (252 KiB)

You can import this project in Godot, the software used to create Repeat After Me.

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