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"The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance."
Robert R. Coveyou


"Real Time 3D" is a little demo created with UPBGE (an alternative version of Blender adding the ability to create interactive 3D content, also called "real time 3D").

This is a remake of a demo created in 1997 with VRML (your web browser will need a VRML extension to display this old version).

It's an analog clock with a ringing bell.

Real Time 3D (screenshot)

If you want to try this demo, you first need to download and install the UPBGE software.

Then download the demo file (version 2021-03-13):

real_time_3D.blend (1 MiB)

You will also need the sound file (save it in the same folder as "real_time_3D.blend"):

bell.wav (34.1 KiB)

Start UPBGE.

Open the file "real_time_3D.blend".

Run the demo:

Properties > Render > Game Resolution > Standalone Start

The demo starts in fullscreen mode.

You can examine the clock from all angles, using the arrow keys. You can also zoom in with [Num +] and zoom out with [Num -].

Use [Esc] to quit the demo.

If you want to hear the clock ring, you don't have to wait. For example, if the time is 20:21, you can make the clock ring (8 strokes) at 20:22 instead of 20:00. You just have to modify the Python script (the text displayed on the right of the clock in the UPBGE window). Change line 44:

if m == 0 and s == 0:


if m == 22 and s == 0:

And restart the demo before 20:22!

Don't forget to restore the initial value to go back to normal behavior.