Hello World!

Pac Mania

Pacman Images
Pacman Images

A star is born!

A star is born!
This image can be used as a desktop background.
Click on the image to download the big one (1024 * 768 - 46 K).
This image was made with Blender for Linux.

Go get it, Pacman!

Pacman on a Möbius ring

Click on the image to get a closer look (640 * 480 - 51 K).

Puzzled by this wooden object? It's a sort of Möbius strip.

Pacman forever!

Pacman is everywhere Our friend Pacman is experiencing something disturbing here. He is discovering infinity!
This is something I've experienced too. There were three mirrors making a triangle, with the reflecting sides inside the triangle. When you are inside, you see your own image reflecting forever...
Well, this scene was built just like that: three mirrors in a triangle, and Pacman in the middle. Yes, there's only one real Pacman in the scene (the biggest on the image), all the others are just reflections patiently calculated by POV-Ray.

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or A Merry Pacman

Pac Mania
Pac Mania
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